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Maegan’s Weekly Stream Links — Issue #3
This week, I started working on MyWheels again. I’m using a tool called Tuist which will hopefully cause less git merge conflicts in my iOS apps. I’m also going to be using the Micro App architecture, so here are some links around that.
Microapps architecture in Swift. SPM basics. | Swift with Majid —
This week I want to start a series of posts about the new approach I use to build scalable apps in Swift. Microapps architecture allows you to reduce the compile-time and enhances the separation of concerns in your codebase. Teams can produce a module per feature and run it as a separate app to improve the value delivery.
Tuesday April 26
I spent a lot of time this week working on MyWheels and figuring out how to structure the project. These are the links that helped me.
µFeatures Architecture | Tuist Documentation
This document describes an approach for architecting a modular Apple OS application to enable scalability, optimize build and test cycles, and ensure good practices.