Day 005: Making a TODO list
Things I want to accomplish:
- Marking completed todos with a checkmark
- Sort completed tasks to the bottom of the list
Things I accomplished
- Marking a completed todo with a checkmark
- Sort completed tasks to the bottom of the list
Things I learned
If wanting to select rows make sure there is a UITableViewDelegate
Not having the UITableViewDelegate
kept me from selecting and deselecting cells. It also took me a little bit to troubleshoot because at first glance I was doing what was necessary. After a couple of other stack overflow articles, I realized that I did not the UITableViewDelegate
and did not assign it to self. Here is the final code necessary to make selecting work:
// UITableViewDelegate here
class ViewController: UIViewController, UITextFieldDelegate, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource { @IBOutlet weak var todoTable: UITableView! var todos = TodoList() override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
todoInput.delegate = self
todoInput.returnKeyType = .done //table view setup
todoTable.dataSource = self
todoTable.delegate = self // <—— this line
How to enumerate through items in Swift
To implement my sort, I needed to be able to go through each todo in my array and check whether or not it’s complete. I chose to use enumerated()
because it will return the index of the todo and the actual todo itself.
for (i, todo) in todoList.enumerated(){
if (todo.complete) {
let element = todoList.remove(at: i)
todoList.insert(element, at: todoList.count)
If you have any questions about what I did or how I implemented anything, let me know! If you have any suggestions or other comments, let me know as well!